How to Use the Congress App

Within the 16th World Congress on Endometriosis app, there are a number of features that you will find useful and helpful over the coming days:

My Program

As you are scrolling through the program page, you can click on 'Add to my program' within each session you are interested in. The session will then be added to your 'My program' button within the app. Your pre-booked social functions will automatically appear on this page.

Delegate List

This is a list of all attendees that have agreed to share their details. If you would like to update your own privacy preference at any time, you can change this through the 'Privacy' icon on the app.

Contact Exchange

If you wish to scan another delegate's name badge, you can do so through this icon. Later, you can export your list of contacts. If a badge won't scan, it is because that person has their privacy setting on 'Opt out - do not share my contact details'.


Information will be sent out by the organisers at regular intervals, and these messages will appear here as alerts.